Friday, 28 June 2013

Viber For PC : How to Downalod and Install Viber on Computer | Viber PC App

Why don't we have any official Viber for PC application yet. Why is there any need for such tutorial on Viber PC application. These questions certainly need to be answered by the Viber team. We talked about their mobile voip application for iPhone, how you can use Viber to make free mobile calls. Since it has only launched its iPhone application, Android Application and Blackberry App (with some limited features), the wait for viber app for computer is getting longer!

Viber is certainly one cool application that everyone should have in their iPhone. Almost all those having a smartphone, use internet on their mobile phones. So, what if everyone start using 3G and thus, Viber on their smartphones. Then you can easily talk to each other for free and make free calls. That's certainly possible now :)

But what about those not having a smartphone, but still want to talk to their friends (on their iPhone) using Viber. I think it should soon launch their PC app. Please share your views on this. Do you really require Viber PC application or are you satisfied using viber only on your mobile!

Also a lot of people while on their computer, want to access everything from pc only. Who doesn't like to do the job of mobile from their laptop itself (off course vice versa is also true). I guess Viber should soon officially launch its PC application. But till the time it launches its official app for PC, lets see a way by which you can use Viber on your PC.

Viber for Android Mobiles

Viber has launched its Android app as well, however its computer application is still not officially out. Viber people keep on saying that it is still under works and will officially be out very soon. I would rather figure out a way to use Viber on my PC then to wait for it! 

Download and Install Viber for PC using Android Emulator

Before we go into details on how to install viber for pc, lets see how do we get this working in concept. Google Android allows you to run an emulator for PC, which is a simple application running on your PC and the applications works on PC as if its a android mobile.

You can run any android application on this emulator. So we are suggesting for now (till viber for pc is officially out) is to install android emulator on PC and run Viber application on this emulator.

What do you need to run Viber on PC using android emulator :
  • Google Android account, this is basically an google account (gmail works). 
  • Install android sdk on your PC.
  • Download Java on your computer if not previously installed. Follow this link.
Going step by step : Viber for PC requires Viber Android app on emulator, android emulator on PC require java on your computer.
  • Step 1 : Install Java on computer
  • Step 2 : Install android emulator.
  • Step 3 : Install Viber apk on Pc using emulator.
Before proceeding make sure you have android emulator on PC.

Update : Well initially I asked my readers to search on internet installing android emulator on PC. Many people were able to get the android emulator installed on their PC. However they were not able to download Viber android app. So once you have installed android emulator, all you need is Viber Android Apk. Download Viber Android Apk for Free : Download link.

It turns out people have faced difficulty in finding good tutorials for that. So let me post some tutorials. Tutorial on how to install android emulator on PC : so as to Download and install viber app on PC : Follow this link

Update : Well, a lot of our readers appreciated our efforts when they got this thing installed on PC. However few readers were still finding difficult to install Viber app on their computer. They have asked us several times to post a step by step tutorial ourself. Finally we decided to post the tutorial here itself, with some screenshots (wherever necessary).

Step by Step Tutorial to Install Viber Application on Computer

  • Make sure Java is installed as explained above.
  • Download Android Emulator and Install this emulator on your PC. Simply download from this link and double click to install it.  
Installing Android SDK Tools
  • It will check for which Android OS to install on your PC. Choose the latest "Android 4.1 (API 16)" and click on install package. On the new window that pops up, select accept all and install. 
  • It may take some time (about 20 mins, depending on internet speed), so relax while it gets installed!
Step 2 : Android Emulator on PC
  • After Android OS emulator has been installed. Click on "Tools" Option, and select "Manage AVDs".
  • A new window will pop up. On the right hand side (as explained in image), click "New". AVD is simply Android Virtual Drive (or android emulator drive on computer).
  • In the target option, select the OS package which we just download. In this case "Android 4.1", select installer package size as "512". Click "Create AVD". Accept everything (ok) in the pop up window.  
 Creating Android
 Image on Disk
  • Select AVD Manager and select the AVD which we just created. "Click Start".
  • Click Launch in the pop up window.
  • Android OS will start on your PC. It is much like the android mobile on your computer with screen and keyboard.
 Install Android 
Apps on Comp
  • Enable Wifi : Menu then Settings then Wifi then Enable Wifi.
  • In the android emulator, start browser. Visit
  • Install the Viber Android App from Viber website. This will install the app on your emulator. Otherwise use above viber apk link to download this app.
 Viber Installed 
on my computer
  • Once Viber App is installed on your computer, it is simply registering with Viber and verifying your account. Follow the steps as explained below (Verifying Viber PC account).
So will the help of above tutorial, I can assume that you have got the viber app installed on your PC. Well if you are still facing any difficulty in downloading and installing viber pc application, then please let us know. We will try our best to help you out!

This way you have got your Viber for PC app installed on your PC. Lets see the how to get this viber app running on your computer :

Verifying your Viber PC Account

So as to Viber running on PC and start making free calls.
  1. Download and install Viber app on PC using android emulator as explained above.
  2. When asked for your number, enter your regular mobile number, then confirm. 
  3. An SMS message with the code will be sent to your mobile phone. 
  4. Take that code and use it in your viber pc app. Viber will then be activated, and you're good to go. This means that if anyone dials your number on Viber, you will get the call on your PC.
Again, If you still face any problem installing Viber on your laptop or your computer, please let us know. We will try our best to help you out. We have tried ourself and both SMS and calling works great!

I would appreciate if any Viber official can let us know about the status of their pc app. Lets just hope that Viber PC App is officially out soon.

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